Following this week’s maintenance period on Bridges-2, the following changes have been made.


For Globus/GridFTP transfers to/from Bridges-2, please use the new endpoint labelled “PSC Bridges-2 Globus Connect Server 5 Endpoint”.

The new Globus CLI endpoint’s UUID is ca35a4c4-6e61-4aaa-8bc1-67b812c1f337.



If you are a user of Gromacs, you must load the following modules in this order:

module load gromacs-mpi/2022.2-gcc11.3.0-openmpi4.1.4-hwloc2.8.0-b2rm
module load openmpi/4.1.1-gcc8.3.1

The Gromacs modules are being updated so that this step will not be necessary in the very near future.



If you have any issues, please send a ticket to with the details and our team will be glad to assist you.