The Web10G Project: Papers and Presentations

This page includes current documents regarding Web10G and historical information about the Web100 project. Web100 was the progenitor of Web10G and much of the information is relevant in broad terms.
2011 Annual Report
Executive Summary
Significant progress has been made on the Web10G project during the first project year. A new website, has replaced the website from the original project providing a new focus for information, software distribution and forum discussion. TheWeb10G kernel instrument set patches have been implemented, tested and distributed, with progress made on the Alpha release of the full kernel module pushed back to early in the project’s second year. The application binary interface has been evaluated, with a revised plan for changes from what was stated in the original proposal. Sample library tools were developed and released based on the Web10G kernel this year as well. Plans for Year 2 of the project include the Alpha release of the kernel module, including rigorous testing and patches as bugs are identified and fixed. The ABI and library tools will be refined and released based on the kernel developments. Outreach activities will pick up significantly, including presentation at appropriate community venues, such as the Internet2 Member Meeting, Joint Tech Workshops. In addition, we will hold the first User Group meeting, making changes to the Web10G suite based on input from the meeting.
See the entire 2011 Annual Report.
White Paper
The Web10G White Paper defines the goals and scope of the Web10G project.
- Web100: Extended TCP Instrumentation for research, education, and diagnosis, M. Mathis, J. Heffner, R. Reddy. [PDF]
This paper presents an architecture and infrastructure that provides for per-connection instrumentation for TCP to expose otherwise hidden protocol events. Examples show how the infrastructure can be used in support of research, education, and advanced network diagnostic tools. - High Bandwidth TCP Queueing, J. Heffner. [PDF]
A preliminary version of Web100 autotuning is described. - Experiences Using Web100 for End-to-End Network Performance Tuning, T. Hacker, B. Athey, J. Sommerfield. [PDF]
A major source of performance degradation in high performance distributed applications has been attributed to poor end-to-end TCP performance. The root causes of poor TCP performance are difficult to isolate and diagnose, and the efficacy of tuning efforts are often difficult to gauge. This paper describes some sources of poor TCP performance, and describes a method to diagnose some of these problems based on a combination of existing performance tools and the Web100 tuning package. Using this methodology, the TCP performance of an application developed for the Visible Human project is shown to significantly improve. - Web 100 Concept Paper
The concept paper behind Web 100, explaining the problem (low transfer rates using FTP-based programs on high performance LAN or WAN networks) and the proposed solution (a complete host-software environment that will run common Web applications at 100% of the available bandwidth, regardless of the magnitude of the network’s capability). - Web100: Facilitating Effective and Transparent Network Use
The Web100 Statement of Work, discussing the goals and and giving a technical description of the project. - Automatic TCP Buffer Tuning Semke, J., Mahdavi, J., & Mathis, M. (1998, October 1), ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review.
Abstract: With the growth of high performance networking, a single host may have simultaneous connections that vary in bandwidth by as many as six orders of magnitude. We identify requirements for an automatically-tuning TCP to achieve maximum throughput across all connections simultaneously within the resource limits of the sender. Our auto-tuning TCP implementation makes use of several existing technologies and adds dynamically adjusting socket buffers to achieve maximum transfer rates on each connection without manual configuration. Our implementation involved slight modifications to a BSD-based socket interface and TCP stack. With these modifications, we achieved drastic improvements in performance over large bandwidth delay paths compared to the default system configuration, and significant reductions in memory usage compared to hand-tuned connections, allowing servers to support at least twice as many simultaneous connections. - PSC TCP Kernel Monitor, J. Semke. [PDF]
The PSC kernel monitoring package allows the visualization of kernel networking variables.
- Presentation on Web10G from the April 2011 Internet2 members meeting, C Rapier. [PDF]
Presentation on Web100 from the May 2002 Internet2 members meeting, W. Huntoon, J. Ferguson. [PPT] - Web10G: Stack Metrics for the Rest of Us, Presented at the Internet 2 Technical Exchange 2014, C Rapier [PDF]
- Web10G: TCP Extended Statistics, presented at the Joint Techs Summer 2012 meeting, C. Rapier. [PDF]
- TCP Performance and Diagnostics with Web10g, Presented at the Chinese American Networking Symposium 2014, C Rapier [PPT]
- Web10G: Meeting the Promise of Web100, Presented at the Summer 2012 Joint Techs Meeting, C. Rapier. [PDF]
- Web10G: TCP Extended Statistics, Presented at the January 2012 JET Meeting, NCSA. [PDF]
- Joint Techs Summer 2012 Tutorial, A. Adams, J. Estabrook, C. Rapier [PDF]
- JET meeting, January 2012, John Estabrook [PPT]